“It is said that contradiction is unthinkable; but the fact is that in the pain of a living being it is even an actual existence.” // 《农场主的女儿们在线观看完整视频免费》有点点这个片子的影子
欧美剧集做得好的原因编剧功不可没从一开头故事开展交代家庭情况个人特点就很利落一气呵成还有一些台词是真的好台词好不在于词句花里胡哨、而是情真意切比如囚犯Kotis在妻子墓前说:inside, I am still crying, like a river.喜欢的另一段是在妈妈搅黄了的婚礼party上小儿子Gerry 决定放生所有的动物 I don’t have to keep them to love them,到放生那一刻又改变主意农场主的女儿们在线观看完整视频免费觉得need to stay with them and hold them and smell them to understand better. 感觉两种说法都很有道理爱原本就是自私的和想要占有的