Boyish redhead with a humble beginning confronted with the biggest most fabulous bully around, realizes that she’s behind all her misery, creates an elaborate revenge plan with help from her loyal friends, and becoming the villain along the way and having to apologize to said friends, all with a fire soundtrack. No I’m talking about Mean Girls.
Huh太刻意美化女主实在蹩脚(我去看了一段真人的书文笔和内容极度tabloid-like)滑雪和爸爸部分实在很牵强而且这是所谓的女权女主输了一次就说powerlessness over the unfair whims of men女主最悲催的时刻导演拉来了爸爸、男律师、男法官来证明她的人格哦真是个女权的电影