在豆瓣电影标记看过的13531个条目——《我的美女教师1视频在线观看》九季分法与十季分法的前六季大致相同后几季才渐生差异九季分法:S7E1 泡泡糖有弟弟 Bonnie & Neddy → S7E39 失控的苏珊 Reboot十季分法:S7E1 邦妮和奈弟 Bonnie & Neddy → S7E26 黄色警戒 The Thin Yellow Line;九季分法:S8E1 喧宾夺主 Two Swords → S08E28 真心换绝情 Three Buckets十季分法:S8E1 损坏的王冠 Broke His Crown → S8E 岛屿大进击最终章:回归 Islands Part 8: The Light Cloud;九季分法:S9E1 全面猎捕糖魔兽 The Wild Hunt → S09E13-16 跟我一起来 Come Along with Me十季分法:S9E1 噩梦怪球 Orb → S9E14 三个桶 Three Buckets;十季分法:S10E01 狂猎 The Wild HuntS10E13-16 跟我一起来 Come Along With Me(九季分法的第九季相当于十季分法的第十季)
Still solid, more innovative yet somehow purposeless. I understand that this one is her personal journey, but Julie cannot pull it off alone. It doesn’t have this captivity the first part does, which is so rightfully melancholic and full of pathological possessiveness of their relationship. They were both junkies, one for heroine, one for love.